Unpacking Procrastination

How to get things done, so you’re not in the same spot 1 week, 1 month, 1 year from now!

A 2-Part workshop to help you get to the root cause of your procrastination, so you can scale your business quicker.
Understand yourself from a psycho-therapeutic and energetic perspective and know how to move through it so you can reach those consistent $10k, $20, $50K months and beyond.

I know, you want a tidy workspace, but cleaning when you should be working isn’t going to get it done.

I need to eat so, I’m not hungry in the middle of work. Really!! Or are we just emotionally eating here?

Not in the mood, I need to flow with the moon and my cycle. NO!!!

You can have all the excuses in the world, lady, but you still ain’t going to get it done!!

You even think last-minute pressure makes you perform at your best. Let’s be honest here, no one performs the best under pressure. Good try!

You can try and convince me, but I know stress blocks neural receptors and inhibits clarity of thought.

So, you can throw that excuse out the window.

The reality is babe, you know things are taking longer than they should. You know, if you had the discipline your business could be so much further along.

The truth is it’s not about discipline all that you don’t work hard enough nor that you’re not consistent.

You’re probably extremely focused in other areas of your life, right?

You’re probably tired and exhausted and have tried to be more organised, try to be more consistent and it doesn’t seem to work. It might last a day or even a week, but how do you keep it up long-term.

Let’s face it if you keep going this way, you’ll end up giving up because of the lack of results and progress that you’re making in your business.

There’s a different way that is not about force or setting a million to-do reminders.

Babe, there’s a way that gets you doing everything you want with time and energy left over. Yes, you heard me right.

Doing the things you’re not only want to do but doing those things that you know will move the needle forward in your business.

Let’s pause for a moment and imagine reaching those consistent $10K, $20K, $30K months in your business. Productivity!!! (hands in the air emoji)

‘Louise consistently struggled sitting down and working on her business. She told herself she loved the pressure of doing things last minute, but also admitted that if she gave herself more time she would finesse things more. She had a part time job but also “needed” to work in a tidy house, couldn’t concentrate until she went for a walk and Sundays she just needed some R&R (Netflix and chill time). But reality was her income was getting less and less each month. When we got to the reasons why she was procrastinating she all of a sudden had a new found serge of energy and inspiration to get down the priority task in a business to drive the engagement and sales and revenue forward.’

Did you know 70% of people procrastinate at some stage, and 25% of them are chronic procrastinators?

Those are the statistics that are published in Forbes anyway.

Just imagine the accumulative amount of productivity lost here, eek! (hand on forehead emoji)

(That’s my inner CEO looking at the stats).

Seriously though, just how much further in your business could you be. (insert scared face)

Don’t worry, just because you were that way doesn’t mean you’re stuck there forever.

It’s not all doom and gloom and, there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel.

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This workshop is designed to:

  • Get to the root cause of your procrastination so you can move forward in your business
  • Understand yourself on a psycho-therapeutic and energetic perspective and know how to move through it so you can reach those consistent months.
  • All sessions are pre-recorded so you can listen to them anywhere any time to help you breakdown your procrastination for good.

And here’s the good news! This will not only help you move through your procrastination in your business but also in all areas of your life.

Look out world, she’s gonna be super productive and focused. (Red Carpet rolls out)

Wait there’s more. BONUS TIME!!

Because I know how important this is to you I’m throwing you a bonus.

I have included for you-

3 x hypnosis tracks to really embed this into your subconscious.

So, here’s how it works.

-There are 2x60-minute videos for you to listen to anywhere you want. In bed, on the couch, while you’re out for your morning walk.

- these videos include prompts for you to work through to deep dive into the root cause of your procrastination.

- Plus the bonus Hypnosis tracks because we always want to take it further and make sure we never procrastinate again.

One last word of warning here, by releasing your procrastination, you may just get everything you want. Are you ready for that?

Why We Procrastinate

There are 4 main reasons why we procrastinate. Here I will go through what they are, that is causing you to stay stuck.

What is Procrastination

No, you're not lazy. It's not that you don't want the results or that the results aren't meant for you. But whats happening?

Shifting Procrastination

I will guide you through how to shift your procrastination on a soul level to help you gain clarity and move forward.

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Your Course Facilitator

Jennifer McCormack

A mum of 2 human boys and a four-legged one too. I'm a Pisces, ManiGen and hold a feminine essence. But under all that, I'm a dreamer, a believer and a rule breaker. As a Kinesiologist, Hypnotherapist and Strategic Psychotherapist I empower women all over the globe to not reach for the stars but to go get their dream life that is limitless. We are only limited by mind, so my life work is to see how far it can actually take us.